Course - Japanese Mastery Courses
Designed for Japanese learners of all levels, speak with native college students.
12 weeks in Spring and Fall
Japanese Mastery Courses
5 levels, Online and In-person
Practice with Japanese students
12 weeks, 100-min class / week
$300 / course
Beginning level
Learn essential Japanese: grammar, Hiragana & Katakana, and basic skills in speaking, writing, reading, and listening. This level includes 90% English and 10% Japanese instruction.
J-101: Basic sentences, including greetings and self-introductions, Hiragana
J-102: Adjectives, Action verbs, Katakana
J-103: Verb conjugation; Build essential Japanese language skills to survive in Japan
Course J-101 (1A)
Thursday, 6 PM
Instructor: Miyaki
Sunday, 9 AM
Instructor: Tamaki
Course J-102 (1B)
Tuesday, 6 PM
Instructor: Kowata
Sunday, 11 AM
Instructor: Tamaki
Course J-103 (1C)
Tuesday, 7:50 PM
Instructor: Kowata
Sunday, 1 PM
Instructor: Tamaki
Intermediate level
Enhance students’ basic Japanese language skills in listening, speaking, and reading, including basic Kanji (Chinese characters). This level will be taught 75% in English and 25% in Japanese.
Prerequisites: grasp basic sentences, hiragana, katakana. Suitable for those starting to learn Kanji.
Learning objectives:
J-201: Express desires using ~んです, ~たいです, and learn Kanji
J-202: Explore modifying clauses and suggestions
J-203: Master volitional form, future events, hypothetical statements, and 250 Kanji
Course J-201 (2A)
Thursday, 7:50 PM
Instructor: Miyaki
Saturday, 9 AM
Instructor: Hattori
Course J-202 (2B)
Monday, 6 PM
Instructor: Kowata
Saturday, 11 AM
Instructor: Usui
Upper-Intermediate level
Comprehend complex content through reading and listening in diverse settings. This level will be taught 25& in English and 75% in Japanese.
Prerequisites: Completing the Upper Intermediate courses (J-303), or the equivalent of the JLPT N3 level, demonstrating understanding of Japanese in everyday situations and summarizing information.
Learning objectives:
Analyze Japanese language content with depth and nuance
Explore materials across diverse contexts
Master 650 ~ 1000 Kanjis
Advanced level
Improve discussion and communication skills, including talking, writing, and reading meaningfully about social topics. This level will be taught 50% in English and 50% in Japanese.
Prerequisites: Completing "Japanese for Busy People I and II" or equivalent to JLPT N4 level, understanding basic sentences, hiragana, katakana, basic kanji, and everyday conversations.
Learning objectives:
J301: Navigate business situations, read paragraphs
J302: Master day-to-day Japanese, including Anime and Game language, Keigo
J303: Attain near-natural Japanese speaking speed, Keigo, and read Newspapers and Magazines, 400-500 Kanji.
Master level
Read complex & abstract writings on various topics, as well as comprehend orally presented materials such as coherent conversations, news reports, and lectures at a natural speed. This level will be taught almost 100% in Japanese.
Prerequisites: JLPT N2 and/or N1 level of Japanese proficiency level
Learning objectives:
Read Japanese novels
Discussion about current news
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